Thursday, February 28, 2008


I was listening to the radio on the way home from work today, and Billy Idol reminded me that it was a good day to start again. I have had a blog before, but I am not exactly the journaling type, so I found it hard to keep up, not having much to talk about.

But recently I have been getting into making entertainment for people around the world via the web, and I figured I really aught to follow Billy Idol's advice and write about what I've been dealing with and what I've been finding.

So this blog is what it says it is. Ruminations. I am in the process of finishing up my first serialized feature film, "Cataclysmo and the Time Boys," and in the very early stages of developing my next project, so I am at a stage of transition. I figure this can only be the best time to learn and study. Once I get the ball rolling on my next project, this will also be a place for thoughts on that as well.

2008 will likely be known in internet history as the year where all the major studios realize the potential opportunities on the internet and all try to make their own web content, or steal artists who have already proven themselves with successful content and slap their names on it. I hope to chronicle some of their exploits, and provide some thoughts about why their web series are succeeding or failing.

I am open to input from anyone, especially if this is something of interest to you, and I hope what you find here will be interesting. But I make no promises. If it's not, I guess it's always I nice day to... start again.



Anthony Parisi said...

Kevin has a blog now???


Well mine will always be better.

Kevin Christensen said...

"Anything that you can do I can do better..."

Well, Anthony... if that's what's true for you then I'm happy for you. :D

just kidding. your blog is kinda sweet... it has 'adventure' in the title.